AI Integrated B.TECH IT

The Department of Information Technology established in year 2008. The department is approved by AICTE and has highly qualified professors and well-equipped laboratories. The department’s goal is to expose students to cutting-edge technology while promoting their participation in conferences, seminars, paper presentations, and on-the-job training. To be more specific, the department is fully committed to preserving a warm student- faculty interaction in order to improve the caliber of the students’ intellectual development Moreover, labs have efficient air conditioning, which creates a creative and expert work environment. Additionally, the department has forged collaborations with Training Trains company in Erode.



4 years (Regular) / 3 years (Lateral Entry)

No. of Semesters:
8 (Regular) / 6 (Lateral Entry)

No. of Seats:
Total – 60


10, +2 system of education. Must have secured a pass in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the qualifying examination


Regulation -2013, 2017 & 2021

Scope for Higher Studies:



To be a Leading Global Innovative Solutions provider for the ever-changing needs of society.


To develop future IT leaders capable of utilizing technology to build novel solutions and who have a thorough awareness of sustainable development. Empower learners with advanced knowledge and skills in Information Technology, fostering their ability to collaborate with bio-convergence disciplines and contribute to sustainable development.


1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

 Program Educational Objective (PEO)
  • Demonstrate technical competence with analytical and critical thinking to understand and meet the diversified requirements of industry, academia and research.
  • Exhibit technical leadership, team skills and entrepreneurship skills to provide business solutions to real world problems.
  • Work in multi-disciplinary industries with social and environmental responsibility, work ethics and adaptability to address complex engineering and social problems
  • Pursue lifelong learning, use cutting-edge technologies and involve in applied research to design optimal solutions.
Program Specific Outcomes PSO’s
  • Have proficiency in programming skills to design, develop and apply appropriate techniques, to solve complex engineering problems.
  • Have knowledge to build, automate and manage business solutions using cutting edge technologies.
    Have excitement towards research in applied computer technologies.
Career Opportunities
  • After successfully completing the degree, graduates will be able to secure job offers in major domains including : cybersecurity, data analysis, and more. Emerging technologies like AI blockchain, and IoT
  • Graduates have the potential to become entrepreneurs.
  • Graduates are eligible to pursue higher studies such as M.E., M.Tech, MBA, MS, and Integrated PhD in both India and abroad by clearing the qualifying examinations.
Faculty Details 2024-25
S.NoName of the FacultyQualificationDesignation
1Mr.G.M. SathyaseelanM.Tech., (Ph.D)Assistant Professor
2Mrs.G.PorkodiM.E.Assistant Professor
3Mrs.R.KarthikaM.TechAssistant Professor
4Mr.G.BalakumuranM.TechAssistant Professor
5Mrs.M.PavithraM.E.,(Ph.D)Assistant Professor
6Mrs.J.DhivyaM.EAssistant Professor
7Mr.S.TamilarasanM.E.Assistant Professor
8Mr.P.RakupathiM.EAssistant Professor
9Ms.S.ManipriyaM.E.Assistant Professor
10Mrs.S.RenugadeviM.E.Assistant Professor
11Ms.G.ManimekalaiM.E.Assistant Professor
12Mrs.M.SwathiM.E.Assistant Professor
1Mr.B.Sundara vadivelDCSETechnician

Faculty achievements

Faculty Development Program 2023-24

S.NoName of the FacultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1Mr.G.M.SathyaseelanArtificial Intelligent and Machine Learning08.01.2024 to 12.01.2024
2Mr.G.M.SathyaseelanMobile App Development with Flutter and Draft23.10.2023 to 24.10.2023
3Mrs.G.PorkodiArtificial Intelligent and Machine Learning08.01.2024 to 12.01.2024
4Mrs.G.PorkodiMobile App Development with Flutter and Draft23.10.2023 to 24.10.2023
5Mrs.G.PorkodiDigital Marketing13.02.2023 to 17.03.2023
6Mrs.M.SanthiyaArtificial Intelligent and Machine Learning08.01.2024 to 12.01.2024
7Mrs.M.SanthiyaMobile App Development with Flutter and Draft23.10.2023 to 24.10.2023
8Mrs.M.SanthiyaOracle11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024
9Mrs.R.KarthikaArtificial Intelligent and Machine Learning08.01.2024 to 12.01.2024
10Mrs.R.KarthikaMobile App Development with Flutter and Draft23.10.2023 to 24.10.2023
11Mrs.S.MurgashankarData Science22.02.2024 to 26.02.2024
Faculty Development Program 2022-23
S.NoName of the FacultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1Mr.G.M.SathyaseelanOutcome based Education01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
2Mr.G.M.SathyaseelanArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning20.02.2023 to 24.02.2023
3Mr.G.M.SathyaseelanIPR Awareness/Training program09.12.2022
4Mrs.G.PorkodiOutcome based Education01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
5Mrs.G.PorkodiArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning20.02.2023 to 24.02.2023
6Mrs.G.PorkodiIPR Awareness/Training program09.12.2022
7Mrs.J.DhivyaOutcome based Education01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
8Mrs.J.DhivyaArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning20.02.2023 to 24.02.2023
9Mrs.J.DhivyaIPR Awareness/Training program09.12.2022
10Mrs.R.KarthikaOutcome based Education01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
11Mrs.R.KarthikaArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning20.02.2023 to 24.02.2023
12Mrs.R.KarthikaIPR Awareness/Training program09.12.2022
13Mr.S.MurgashankarOutcome based Education01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
14Mr.S.MurgashankarArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning20.02.2023 to 24.02.2023
15Mr.S.MurgashankarIPR Awareness/Training program09.12.2022
Faculty Development Program 2018-19
S.noName of the facultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1DR. RAJENDIRAN K MEnergy Literacy Training30.05.2023
2DR. LATHA NEnergy Literacy Training30.05.2023
3MRS. BABY MOBE Based Curriculum and Accreditation" Course03.07.2023 to 07.07.2023
4Dr. SUGANYA DOBE Based Curriculum and Accreditation03.07.2023 to 07.07.2023
5Dr. SASIKALA A DIPR and IP Management for Startups" 07.09.2023
6MRS. RAMYA BIPR and IP Management for Startups" 07.09.2023
7MRS. SWATHI PRIYA K SIPR and IP Management for Startups" 07.09.2023
8DR. PUNITHA RCurrent Innovations & Future
Perspectives in Nanoscience and Technology
05.10.2023 to 07.10.2023
9Mrs. NARMADHA SBiomaterials Online Conclave’ 202307.11.2023 to 10.09.2023
10Mrs. PANJAMI DBiomaterials Online Conclave’ 202307.11.2023 to 10.09.2023
11DR. RAJENDIRAN K Msix days online Faculty Development Program on “ PH3151 ENGINEERING PHYSICS”11.12.2023 to 16.12.2023
12DR. RAJENDIRAN K MInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
13MRS. MANJULA DEVI DInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
14MRS. JANARANJANA SRI SInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
15MRS. BHARATHI PRIYA MInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
Faculty Publications 2023-24
  • Mr. G.M. Sathyaseelan, 1st Author and Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, published a book titled ‘Mastering of Full Stack using MongoDB’ with Aasan Publications on 21.09.2023.
  • Mrs.M.Santhiya, 2nd Author and Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, published a book titled ‘Mastering of Full Stack using MongoDB’ with Aasan Publications on 21.09.2023.
  • Mrs.R.Karthika, 4th Author and Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, published a book titled ‘Mastering of Full Stack using MongoDB’ with Aasan Publications on 21.09.2023.
Patent publication 2023-24
  • Mr. G.M. Sathyaseelan, 3rd Author and Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, published a Design patented titled “Device for modulation Techniques” on 03.10.2023.
Students Achievements 2023-24
  • Third-year IT student R. Sangeetha, M.Vaishnavi, B. Deepikasri, M.Srimathi,S.Deepa has Participated in the CYBERTRON-2K23 National level Technical Symposium held at KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology on 28-04-2023.
  • Third-year IT student R.Sangeetha, M.Vaishnavi, B.Deepikasri,M.Srimathi,S.Deepa, M.Saranya,C.Chitradevi,R.Divya,P.Sathyadevi,R.Madhumitha,K.Gomathi,S.Jaedivya,E.Durga,S .Karthik, D.Vima l,S.Dhilip Sanjay, R.Surya has Participated Data Analysis using Statcraft Software One day Workshop held at Excel Engineering College on 05.03.2024.
  • Third-year IT student T.Aarthi, C.Chitradevi, R.Divya, P.Sathyadevi, R.Madhumitha, K.Gomathi, A.Praglanathan has Participated VIDHYAM24 One day Workshop on Recent Developments in AI held at Vidhya Vikas College of Engineering and Technology on 04.04.2024.
  • Third-yearar IT student A.Mekala had won First Place on RELAY 4*400 in JKKN Institutions.
  • Third year IT student A.Mekala had won Third Place in the 1500Mts Running Race in Coimbatore Institute of Technology held on 24.03.2024.
  • Third year IT student A.Mekala has Participated in a Throw Ball in KSR Educational Institution held on 14.02.2024.
  • Third year IT student S.Karthik had won Second Place in Kabaddi in JKKN Institutions.
  • Third year IT student R.Sowmiya has Participated in a Throw Ball in KSR Educational Institution held on 14.02.2024.
  • Third year IT student M.Paisal Rahuman had won Second Place in Kabaddi in JKKN Institutions.
  • Third year IT students M.Paisal Rahuman and R.Sathish Kumar had won First Place in Group Discussion on Science Expo in JKKN Institutions.
  • Third year IT students T.Aarthi, S.Jae Divya had won Third Place in IOT Idea Hackathon on Automatic Irrigation System.
  • Second-year IT students K.Kanishka,D.Jovita Jasmine ,M.ManjulaDevi,P.M.Gayathri,P.Lathika has Participated SYNECTICS 24 Two day Workshop ON REACT JS held at Nandha College of Engineering on 24.03.2024 and 25.03.2024.
  • Second year IT students R.Gowthama Solan ,S.MouliMadhan, K.Dhanushkodi , P.Pragadeeshwaran, A.Nandheeshwaran has Participated Connection Game on SPRING FEST2K23 National Level Technical Symposium held at KSR College of Engineering on 05.10.2023.
  • Second year IT students K.Kanishka, D.Jovita Jasmine ,M.Manjula Devi , S.Pavithra, G.Ramya , P.M..Gayathri,P.Lathika Second year IT students K.Kanishka has Participated in Paper Presentation and Photography on EFFLORESCENCE23 National Level Technical Symposium held at Builders Engineering College on 10.06.2023.
  • Second year IT students R.Madhumitha, K.Kanishka, K.Vaishnavi, P.M.Gayathri, M.Manjula Devi, S.MouliSri has Participated Rangoli Competition on PATHO CONCLAVE 24 National Oral Pathological Day held at JKKN Dental College on 25.02.2024.
  • Second year IT students R.SanthoshKumar, R,Subash has Participated in Photography at SCI FISTIA 2K24 held at JKKNCET on 14.03.2024.
  • Second year IT students P.M.Gayathri ,S.Lathika had won FIRST PLACE in Unconference at SCI FISTIA 2K24 held at JKKNCET on 14.03.2024.
  • Second year IT students P.Pragadeeswaran, A.Nandheshwaran ,N.Niranjan, K.Dhanushkodi had won FIRST PLACE in Quiz Unconference at SCI FISTIA 2K24 held at JKKNCET on 14.03.2024.
  • Second year IT student S.Pavithra, has Participated in a Paper Presentation and won first prize in photography at TECHNOVANZA 2K23 National Level Technical Symposium held at Sree Venkateswara hi tech engineering college on 04.03.2023.
  • Third year IT student S.Nivetha won First Place on RELAY 4*400 at 98th founder day in JKKN Institutions on 9.11.2023.
  • Final Year IT students S.Valarmathi, and D.Kanimozhi have been selected in Niral Thiruvila on the topic of Justice Rehab: Transforming Lives Through Proctored Ai For Prisoner Rehabilitation.
  • Third Year IT students R.Sathishkumar, V.Nisanth, M.Paisalrahuman, A.Pragalathan, S. Sakthivel has selected in Yi Innovation Ids4 Imagine Phase On The Topic Of Eco watchers An Interactive Complaint Management Website For Environmental Protection.
  • Third Year IT students Jae Divya S , Aarthi T , Chitradevi C, Divya R has selected in YI INNOVATION IDS4 IMAGINE PHASE on the topic of AI-ENABLED ADVANCED HYBRID VEHICLE.
    Second Year IT students G.Ramya, G.Manikandan, V.Jagannathan, S.Pavithra ,K.Vishnudhranhas selected in YI INNOVATION IDS4 IMAGINE PHASE on the topic of SOLAR THERMAL.
Student Achievements 2022-23
  • Final year IT student A.G.Mythili, V.Nandhini, P. Siva Gayathri Participated in A National level Technical symposium Paper Presentation at Sengunthar College Of Engineering on 20-10-2022.
  • Final year IT student K. Trisha, T.A.Dhivya Priya, T.Jayashree, M. Vithiya has Participated in TWO-day national level workshop on “Web Development” at MIT on 16-10-2022 &17-10-2022.
  • Final year IT student S.Vishnu Got First Prize in the “Business Game” Programme at Fire Bird Institution on 25-07-2017.
  • Final year IT student S. Vikram, P.Selvan, S.Kowsalya, K.Gopika, V. Gobika, R.S.Chandru has Participated in the “Business Game” Programme at Fire Bird Institution on 25-07-2017.
  • Third year IT student S.Diviyadharshini, K. Narmatha Participated in one day national level workshop on at Nandha Engineering College on 24-11-2022.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha , M.Hiroshini has Participated in A National level Technical symposium Paper Presentation at Salem College Of Engineering on 14-10-2022.
  • Third year IT student S.Valarmathi,M.Geetha has Participated in A National level Technical symposium Paper Presentation at Sengunthar College Of Engineering on 20-10-2022.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha has Participated in A National level Technical symposium Idea Presentation at Nandha Engineering College on 24-11-2022.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha has Participated in A National level Technical symposium Techendrs at Nandha Engineering College on 24-11-2022.
  • Third year IT student S.Diviyadharshini, K.Narmatha, D.Madhumitha, S.Valarmathi has Participated in One day National level Workshop on Machine Learning at Excel college of engineering on 27-02-2023.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha has Participated in National level Technical Symposium Paper Presentation at Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College on 4-03-2023.
  • Third year IT student S.Valarmathi has Participated in National level Technical Symposium Paper Presentation at Knowledge Institute of Technology on 16-02-2018.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha has got “Third prize” in A National level Technical symposium Idea Presentation at Knowledge Institute of Technology on 15-03-2023.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha has Participated in A National level Technical symposium Connection at Knowledge Institute of Technology on 18-03-2023.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha has got “second Prize” in A National level Technical symposium Web Designing at Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College on 04-03-2023.
  • Third year IT student M.Geetha has Participated in National level Technical Symposium Paper Presentation at Muthayammal College of Engineering on 15-03-2023.
  • Second year IT student T.Aarthi,S.Jae Divya,M.Vaishnavi & B.Deepika Sri has Participated in National level Technical Symposium Paper Presentation at Sasurie College of Engineering on 24-02-2023.
  • Second year IT student S.Deepa, R.Madhumitha, K.Gomathi,E.Durga & R.Sangeetha, has Participated in National level Technical Symposium Paper Presentation at Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women on 2-03-2023.
  • Second year IT student K.Gomathi, B.Deepikasri, M.Saranya, M.Gowtham, B.Sowmiya, S.Jae Divya & T.Aarthi has Participated in National level Technical Symposium Paper Presentation at M.P.Nachimuthu M.Jaganathan Engineering College on 3-03-2023.
  • Second year IT student E.Durga,R.Madhumitha ,P.Sathyadevi, R.Divya & T.Aarthi has Participated in One day National level Workshop on Machine Learning Using Python at Excel college of Engineering on 31-03-2023.
  • Second year IT student S.Deepa, M.Srimathi, R.Sangeetha, M.Vaishnavi & B.Deepikasri has Participated in National level Technical Symposium Paper Presentation at K.S.R Institute Engineering and Technology on 28-04-2023.
  • Third Year IT students M.Geetha created mobile application in the name of “MULTIHOS” for hospital purpose.It is available both in online and offline.
Events Organized 2023-24
  • The Department of IT organized Five day’s Hands on Training on “FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT” on 13th, 19th, 20th,26-27th October2023. The function was special addressed by chief guest Mr.P.BoopathiKumar,Training Trains.
  • The Department of IT organized National Computer Security Day on 30th of November 2023 .The Function was special addressed by L.Mohanram ,Designer JKKNCET.
  • The Department of IT organized Alumni Insight on 28th October 2023.The Function was addressed by Chief Guest Ms.V.Gopika,Full Stack Developer.
  • The Department of IT organized an Unconference on the topic of Research Methodologies of AI on December 1st 2023.
  • The Department of IT organizing one days workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” on 6 th May 2023. The function was specially addressed by chief guest Mr.C.Mahesh, Assistant Professor,Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore.
  • The Department of IT organized a Led Conference on”Recent Trends in IT” and ”AIML & IOT” on 16 th March 2023 & 6 th April 2023.
  • The Department of IT organized STG Activities on “Web Development & Design” and “Holographic memory and DNA Computing” on 11 th Feb 2023 and 10 th April 2023.
  • The Department of IT organizing Alumni meet on 25 th Feb 2023. The function was specially addressed by chief guest Mr.D.Gowtham ,Gold Loan Manager, HDFC Bank,Erode.
Lab manuals
S.NoName of the Lab manualsLink
1Cloud computingCCS335-CC.pd
2Network SecurityCCS354 Network Security.pdf
3Object Oriented Software EngineeringCCS356 OOSE LAB.pdf
4Data WarehousingDW LAB MANUAL .pdf
5Soft Computingsoft computing.pdf
6Full Stack Web DevelopmentFS LAB.pdf
7Database Management SystemDBMS MANUAL.pdf
8Operating SystemOS RECORD.pdf
9Foundation of Data ScienceFDS.pdf
10C programmingCS3271- C LAB MANUAL.docx
MOUs 2022-23
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered into on 27th of October, 2023, at Kumarapalayam, Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu for a period of one year up to 27th October, 2024. Between JKKN College of Engineering and Technology at Natarajapuram, NH-544, (Salem to Coimbatore), Kumarapalayam- 638 183. Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu being the first party and Training Trains pallipalayam(post)),Erode,Tamilnadu-638115.