The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in 2009 at J.K.K. Nataraja College of Engineering and Technology with an intake of 60 students. It is officially approved by AICTE and affiliated with Anna University, Chennai. Since its establishment, the department has been equipped with excellent laboratory facilities. Moreover, it features a team of dedicated faculty members who are not only highly qualified but also possess extensive industrial, research, and teaching experience. Additionally, the department has forged collaborations with Sunshiv Electronics, Megatronics, Ohm techno crafts, and C-Cube Technologies I in Coimbatore.


4 years (Regular) / 3 years (Lateral Entry)

No. of Semesters:

8 (Regular) / 6 (Lateral Entry)

No. of Seats:

Total – 60 


10, +2 system of education. Must have secured a pass in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the qualifying examination


Regulation -2013, 2017 & 2021 

Scope for Higher Studies:



To be a Leading Global Innovative Solutions provider for the ever changing needs of the society.


Creating innovative solutions to the real world problems using the latest communication technologies in bio-convergence, with the ultimate goal to provide excellence in education, research and sustainable development.


1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


To provide the students with a strong foundation in the required sciences in order to pursue studies in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

To gain adequate knowledge to become good professional in electronic and communication engineering associated industries, higher education and research.

To develop attitude in lifelong learning, applying and adapting new ideas and technologies as their field evolves.

To prepare students to critically analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically develop innovative and research oriented methodologies to solve the problems identified.

To inculcate in the students a professional and ethical attitude and an ability to visualize the engineering issues in a broader social context.

Program Specific Outcomes PSO’s

PSO1: Design, develop and analyze electronic systems through the application of relevant electronics, mathematics and engineering principles

PSO2: Design, develop and analyze communication systems through application of fundamentals from communication principles, signal processing, and RF System Design & Electromagnetics.

PSO3: Adapt to emerging electronics and communication technologies and develop innovative solutions for existing and newer problems

Career Opportunities
  • After successfully completing the degree, graduates will be able to secure job offers in major domains including but not limited to: Telecommunication, Network Engineer Production, Design, Internet of Things, Quality Management, healthcare equipment manufacturing, Robotics, Automation and Research and Development.
  • Graduates have the potential to become entrepreneurs.
  • Graduates are eligible to pursue higher studies such as M.E., M.Tech, MBA, MS, and Integrated PhD in both India and abroad by clearing the qualifying examinations.
Faculty Details 2024-25
S.NoName of the FacultyQualificationDesignation
1Mr.R.GobuM.EHOD-Assistant professor
2Mrs.N.PonnarasiM.EAssistant professor
3Mrs.S.MaheswariM.EAssistant professor
4Mr.E.VelumaniM.EAssistant professor
5Mrs.S.TamilselviM.E.,Assistant professor
6Mrs.K.MekalaM.E.,Assistant professor
7Ms.K.TamilazhagiM.EAssistant professor
8Mrs.S.Saranya DeviM.EAssistant professor
9Mrs.K.S.SumitradeviM.EAssistant professor
10Mrs.SK.SaravanapriyaM.EAssistant professor
11Mr.K.PalanisamyM.EAssistant professor
12Mrs.S.MekalaM.EAssistant professor
13Mr.D.Dinesh kumarM.EAssistant professor
14Mr.K.Praveen KumarM.EAssistant professor
Non-Teaching staff
Faculty achievements
Faculty Development Program 2023-24
S.NoName of the FacultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1Mrs.N.PonnarasiEffective Teaching Learning using Social Media05.06.2023 to 09.06.2023
2Mrs.K.MekalaThe Artificial Intelligence Compositing Exploring Creative Possibilities Conducted by the Marcello Tech.19.06.2023 to 26.06.2023
3Mrs.S.TamilselviThe Artificial Intelligence Compositing Exploring Creative Possibilities conducted by the Marcello Tech19.06.2023 to 26.06.2023
4Mr.S.RajkumarThe Artificial Intelligence Compositing Exploring Creative Possibilities conducted by the Marcello Tech19.06.2023 to 26.06.2023
5Mrs.S.TamilselviImplementation of NEP2020 for University andCollege Teachers organized by IGNOU12.06.2023 to 20.06.2023
6Mr.S.RajkumarImplementation of NEP2020 for University and College Teachers organized by IGNOU.12.06.2023 to 20.06.2023
7Mrs.K.MekalaFundamentals of Artificial Intelligence conducted by NPTEL05.07.2023 to 25.10.203
8Mr.M.Nirmal PrithivrajAdvanced Research Methodology organized by SRM Institute of Technology03.07.2023 to 18.07.2023
9Mr.M.Nirmal PrithivrajRecent Trends In Multidisciplinary Research organized by SRM Institute of Technology07-07-2023 to 18-07-2023
10Mr.M.Nirmal PrithivrajVLSI & Design Chip organized by PSG Institute of Technology & Applied Research24.07.2023 to 29.07.2023
11Mrs.S.TamilselviFundamentals of Artificial Intelligence conducted by NPTEL05.07.2023 to 25.10.203
12Mr.S.RajkumarDigital Circuits conducted by NPTEL10.07.2023 to 12.10.2023
13Mr.S.RajkumarVLSI to system design: Silicon to End Application Approach conducted by NPTEL31.07.2023 to 4.08.2023
14Mr.S.RajkumarVLSI & Design Chip organized by PSG Institute of Technology Applied Research24.07.2023 to 29.07.2023
15Ms.K.TamilazhagiFlutter App Development with Android Studio conducted by the Marcello Tech13.8.2023
16Mr.M.Nirmal PrithivrajThe Futuristic View of Semiconductor Devices in Healthcare Applications Using AI ML Research Issues and Challenges16.10.2023 to 21.10.2023
17Mrs.N.PonnarasiChallenges and Opportunity in Electric Vehicle by organized by K.S.R College of Engineering and Technology09.10.2023 to 14.10.2023
18Mrs.K.MekalaChallenges and Opportunity in Electrical Vehicle Conducted by K.S.R. Engineering College, Tiruchengode09.10.2023 to 14.10.2023
19Mrs.S.TamilselviChallenges and Opportunity in Electrical Vehicle conducted by K.S.R. Engineering College, Tiruchengode09.10.2023 to 14.10.2023
20Mr.K.Arun KumarThe futuristic view of semiconductor devices in healthcare applications using AI ML: research issues and challenges” program conducted by ATAL-AICTE conducted by Mahendra Engineering College21.10.2023
21Mr.S.RajkumarThe futuristic view of semiconductor devices in healthcare applications using AI ML: research issues and challenges” program conducted by ATAL-AICTE conducted by Mahendra Engineering College16.10.2023 to 21.10.2023
Faculty Development Program 2022-23
S.NoName of the FacultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1Mrs.J.S.SharanyanivasiniMATLAB and Simulink for Beginners organized by NITTTR19.09.2022 to 23.09.2022
2Mrs.K.MekalaMATLAB and Simulink for Beginners organized by NITTTR19.09.2022 to 23.09.2022
3Mrs.K.MekalaImplementation of NEP2020 for University and College Teachers organized by IGNOU21.09.2022 to 29.09.2022
4Mrs.N.PonnarasiImplementation of NEP2020 for University and College Teachers organized by IGNOU07.10.2022 to 15.10.2022
5Mrs.K.MekalaIoT Enabled PLC organized by NITTTR10.10.2022 to 14.10.2022
6Mrs.K.MekalaApplications of Image Processing conducted by Marcello Technologies, Trichy12.12.2022 to 16.12.2022
7Mrs.K.MekalaOptical Wireless Communication Beyond 5G Networks and IoT conducted by NPTEL05.01.2023 to 20.04.2023
8Mrs.S.TamilselviOptical Wireless Communication Beyond 5G Networks and IoT conducted by NPTEL05.01.2023 to 20.04.2023
9Mrs.J.S.SharanyanivasiniSocietal Advances in Wireless Systems and Emerging Technologies organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai23.01.2023 to 28.01.2023
10Mr.M.Nirmal PrithivrajSocietal Advances In Wireless Systems and Emerging Technologies organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai23.01.2023 to 28.01.2023
11Mrs.M.RamyaOutcome Based Education  conducted by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
12Mrs.J.S.SharanyanivasiniOutcome Based Education  conducted by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
13Mrs.N.PonnarasiOutcome Based Education  conducted by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
14Mr.M.Nirmal PrithivrajOutcome Based Education  conducted by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
15Mrs.S.TamilselviOutcome Based Education  conducted by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
16Mr.S.RajkumarOutcome Based Education  conducted by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
17Mrs.K.MekalaOutcome Based Education  conducted by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore01.02.2023 to 09.02.2023
18Mrs.N.PonnarasiHands-on Training in IoT Domain organized by the OM Technocrats Corporation27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023
19Mrs.K.MekalaHands-on Training in IoT Domain organized by the OM Technocrats Corporation27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023
20Mr.S.RajkumarHands-on Training in IoT Domain organized by the OM Technocrats Corporation27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023
21Mr.M.Nirmal PrithivrajHands-on Training in IoT Domain organized by the OM Technocrats Corporation27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023
22Mrs.S.TamilselviHands-on Training in IoT Domain organized by the OM Technocrats Corporation27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023
23Mrs.J.S.SharanyanivasiniHands-on Training in IoT Domain organized by the OM Technocrats Corporation27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023
24Mrs.M.RamyaHands-on Training in IoT Domain organized by the OM Technocrats Corporation27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023
Faculty Publications 2022-23

1. Mrs. M. Ramya has Published a paper in ELSEVIER, in the title of “Attention Based Deep Convolutional U-Net with CSA Optimization for Hyperspectral Image Denoising” as the First author in 2022.
2. Mrs. M. Ramya has Published an IEEE conference with the title of “Cyber Security in Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence” hosted by JSS Science and Technology University on 16th and 17th October 2022.
3. Mrs.M.Ramya has Published an IEEE conference in the title of “E-Fitness using Machine Learning Techniques and The Internet of Things” hosted by JSS Science and Technology University during 16th and 17th October 2022.
4. Mrs.M.Ramya has Participated in the International conference conducted by Nandha college of Engineering titled “Joint Spatial Spectral Encoder for Hyper spectral Image Denoising” in 2022.

5. Mrs.M.Ramya has Patented in the title of “Machine Learning based approach to analyses the characteristics of various materials and their impact in improving agricultural yield” in 2022.
6. Mrs.M.Ramya has Patented in the title of “Performance and Accuracy Analysis of Signature Verification using Integer Wavelet Transform and back Propagation Neural Network” in 2022.
7. Mrs.N.Ponnarasi has Presented an International Conference titled “5G geological data for Seismic Inversion Data Detection based on Wide-Angle Reflection Wave Technology” in the Taylor and Francis Conference on 17th sep, 2022.

Faculty Publications 2023-24

1.Mrs.K.Mekala has Published an IEEE conference in the title of “Coffee Price Prediction: An Application of CNN-BLSTM Neural Networks” on August 2023.
2. Mrs.S.Tamilselvi has Published in the title “Telemedicine Platform Using Android OS” 9th IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics organized by Jeppiaar Engineering College on 4 & 5th April 2024.

Patent Details:
  • Mrs.N.Ponnarasi has Published a Design Patent as a Third Author titled in “Smart Control System for Electric Vehicles”. .
  • Mrs.S.Tamilselvi has Published a Design Patent titled as a Second Author in “A Method for Avoiding Redundant Transmission of Data Messages in Communication Using Machine Learning” 19.05.2023 .
  • Mrs.K.Mekala has Published a Design Patent titled as a Third Author in “A Method for Avoiding Redundant Transmission of Data Messages in Communication Using Machine Learning” on 19.05.2023.
Students Achievements 2022-23
  • N.Subiksha, T.Umadevi and S.Anandhavalli of Third year ECE has participated in the event of “Cooking without fire” and won the first prize held on 11.03.2023 at Surya Engineering College.
  • T.Umadevi and N.Subiksha of Third year ECE has participated in the event of “Technical Quiz” held on 11.03.2023 at Surya Engineering College.
  • S.Anandhavalli, T.Umadevi and N.Subiksha of Third year ECE presented a paper on “Smart home application of IoT” in one day National level Technical Symposium held on 11.03.2023 at Surya Engineering College, Erode.
  • S.Gunasekaran and R.Dinesh Kumar of final ECE presented a paper on “Smart home System”in one day National level Technical Symposium heldon 20.11.2022 at Salem College of Engineering and Technology.
  • N.Subiksha of Third year ECE participated in the “2 – days Design thinking Workshop” organized by the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Programme from 01.11.2022 to 02.11.2022 at Sona College of Technology, Salem.
  • N.Subiksha of Third year ECE has participated in the event of “Connexion” held on 20.10.2022 at Nandha College of Technology
  • T.Anitha and S.Jaisri of final ECE has participated in the event of “Techinical quiz” and ”Connexion” held on 20.10.2022 at Nandha College of Technology.
  • R.Dhivya, S.Jaisri and M.Sivaranjani of final ECE has participated in the event of “Connexion” and ”Techinical quiz” held on 20.10.2022 at Nandha College of Technology
  • T.Anitha of final ECE presented a paper on “IoT Based Modern Solar Street Light System” in one day National level Technical Symposium held on 20.10.2022 at Nandha College of Technology
  • R.Dhivya and S.Jaisri of final ECE presented a paper on “Automatic Cooking Machine Using PIC Controller” in one day National level Technical Symposium 20.10.2022 at Nandha College of Technology
  • R.Jeevika and M.Sivaranjani of final ECE presented a paper on “Weather Monitoring and Water Management With Pest Controller Using IoT” in one day National level Technical Symposium 20.10.2022 at Nandha College of Technology.
  • R.Jeevika of final ECE has participated in the event of “Connexion” and ”Techinical quiz” held on 20.10.2022 at Nandha College of Technology.
  • N.Subiksha of Third year ECE participated in the “2 – days E-leader Workshop” organized by the Programme Monitoring Office – Innovation & Entrepreneurship development programme from 07.10.2022 to 08.10.2022 at Sona College of Technology, Salem
  • S R.Dhivya and S.Logalakshmi of final ECE presented a paper on “Preventing Environment From Air Pollution Using IoT” in one day National level Technical Symposium held on 15.09.2022 at SSM College of Engineering.
  • .Jaisri and R.Sundhareswaran of final ECE presented a paper on “Automatic Cooking Machine Using PIC Controller” in one day National level Technical Symposium held on 15.09.2022 at SSM College of Engineering.
  • T.Anitha and R.Archana of final ECE presented a paper on “Modern Solar Street Light System using IoT” in one day National level Technical Symposium heldon 15.09.2022 at SSM College of Engineering.
  • R.Jeevika and M.Sivaranjani of final ECE presented a paper on “Weather Monitoring and Water Management With Pest Controller Using Iot” in one day National level Technical Symposium held on 15.09.2022 at SSM College of Engineering
Students Internship
  • S.Anandhavalli, A.Dhanush ,T.Umadevi, S.Srija ,S.Sabarivasan , N.Subiksha , T.Umadevi , V.Velavan of Third year ECE has been completed their internship in Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore from 06.02.2023 to 17.02.2023.
  • R.Dhivya, R.Jeevika, M.Sivaranjani, R.Sundhareswaran, T.Anitha, S.Logalakshmi , R.Archana S.Saravanakumar , S.Mohamed Basidh, S.Mohamed Basidh , S.Gunasekaran , R.Dinesh Kumar, S.Jaisri of final ECE has been completed her internship in M/s.Larsen and Toubro Limited, Coimbatore from 10.02.2023 to 31.03.2023.
  • S.Anandavalli,.A.Dhanush,S.Sabarivasan,N.Subiksha,T.Umadevi,V.Velavan of Final year ECE has completed 60 days of Internship at ZF Commercial Vehicle Control Systems India Ltd., Chennai from 09.03.2024 to 07.05.2024
  • Ms. N. Akalya, Ms. D. Kamini, Mr. R. Karthik, Mr. M. Yogeshwaran, Mr. B. Tamilarasan, has participated in EV vehicle(Design Development Deploy) Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, 6,7 April 2024.
  • Ms. N. Akalya of Second year ECE has participated in Technical Quiz at Sri Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College, Gobi on 22.03.2024.
  • S.Jaykrishnan & V.Thireeshwaran and P.Sudhagar of Third year ECE has participated in one day Seminar on Emerging Trends in Industrial Automation in Excel Engineering College held on 29.02.2024.
    S.Jaykrishnan & V.Thireeshwaran of Third year ECE has participated in National Voter’s Day Awareness Programme-2024 in JKKN Dental College and Hospital.
  • A.Gokul,S.Jaykrishnan,S.Kowsalya,E.Mohana,K.Premkumar,S.Priyanga,P.Ramya,P.Sudhagar,S.Tharani, V.Thireeshwaran of Third year ECE has completed NAAN MUDHALAVAN Employability Skills Development Training Programme Conducted by TITAN LEAP, NAANDI FOUNDATION FROM 2023-2024
  • D.Kamini from second year ECE has participated in Chess Competition in KSR Engineering College.
  • K.Premkumar Third year ECE has participated in Idea Hackathon-2023 at JKKNCET on 11.05.2023.
  • E.Mohana, K.Premkumar, S.Priyanga, S.Tharani, V.Thireeshwaran of Third Year ECE participated in TECHNOVATION-23 A National Level Technical Symposium in the event of Paper Presentation in JKKN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COLLEGE held on 08.05.2023.
  • A.Gokul,S.Jaykrishnan,S.Kowsalya,E.Mohana,K.Premkumar,S.Priyanga,P.Ramya,P.Sudhagar,S.Tharani,V.Thireeshwaran of Third year ECE has completed 7 DAYS HANDS ON TRAINING IN IOT DOMAIN at JKKNCET campus association with OM TECHNOCRAFTS CORPORATION (27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023)
  • S.Anandavalli,.A.Dhanush,S.Sabarivasan,N.Subiksha,T.Umadevi,V.Velavan of Final year ECE successfully completed 7 DAYS HANDS ON TRAINING IN IOT DOMAIN at JKKNCET campus association with OM TECHNOCRAFTS CORPORATION (27.04.2023 to 06.05.2023)
  • A.Gokul,S.Jaykrishnan,S.Kowsalya,E.Mohana,K.Premkumar,S.Priyanga,P.Ramya,P.Sudhagar,S.Tharani, V.Thireeshwaran Third Year ECE successfully completed the INTERNSHIP PROGRAM of hands-on training in Embedded Programming Using Pic Microcontroller –I/O Ports, Timer, ADC, Sensor, TSEG Interfacing (17.07.2023 To 29.07.2023) In Sunshiv Electronic Solutions, Coimbatore.
  • The Department of ECE organizing for MoU signing on “Signing Ceremony” on 24th April 2023. The function was special addressed by chief guest Mr. S. Sundaramoorthy, CEO of Sunshiv Electronics Solutions, Coimbatore, Mr. N. Kumaresan, Bussiness Head of C Cube Technologies Erode, Mr. M. Karthi, Member Technician of Om Technocrafts Corporation, Erode and Mr.C.Kannan, Regional Head of Megatronics, Coimbatore.
  • The Department of ECE organizing 6 days Hands-on Training on “Internet of Things” on 25th & 26th April 2023 and 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th May 2023. The function was special addressed by chief guest Mr.M.Kannan, Technical Trainer, Om Technocrafts Corporation, Erode.
  • The Department of ECE organizing SDG Activities organized on “Quiz Competition” at Dr.Ambedkar Remembrance Day held on 11th April 2023. The function was by coordinated by Mrs.S. Tamilselvi, Assistant Professor/ECE, JKKNCET
  • The Department of ECE organizing Student Led Conference on “AR and VR”, “Internet of Things”, “Digital Marketing” and “Mechanism of Bio-Battery” on 29th March 2023. , The function was coordinated by Mr.M.Nirmal Prithivraj, Assistant Professor of ECE, JKKNCET.
  • The Department of ECE organizing Alumni Insight in Resource Alumni Batch for 2008-2012 on 25th March 2023. The function was special addressed by chief guest Mr.S.Boopathi Raja, Programmer, Luxury Home Automation, The Domotics, Coimbatore.
  • The Department of ECE organizing World Water Day-Awareness Program on “Save Water Save Life” held on 22th March 2023. The function was special addressed by Mrs.J.S.Sharanyanivasini, Assistant Professor/ECE, JKKNCET
  • The Department of ECE organizing Guest Lecture on “Recent Trends in AR/VR Technology” held on 10th March 2023. The function was special addressed by Mrs.N. Ponnarasi, Assistant Professor/ECE, JKKNCET.
  • The Department of ECE organized Hands-on Training on “Industrial IoT with Artificial Intelligence” on 12th and 13thApril 2024. The function was special addressed by chief guest Mrs.N.Geetha, Technical Trainer, Enthu Technologies, Coimbatore.
  • The Department of ECE organized Digital Dynamo-ICT Skills for the future on 26th March 2024
    The Department of ECE organized “National Pollution Control Day-Idea Marathon” held on 04th December 2023. The event was special addressed by Mrs.M.Ramya,HoD/ECE,JKKNCET.
  • The Department of ECE organized an Unconference in the title of “Research Methodologies of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering” on 1st December 2023.
  • The Department of ECE organized a Learner’s Led Conference in the title of “Industrial IoT with Artificial Intelligence” on 24th November 2023
  • The Department of ECE hosted an Alumni Insight event on 28.10.2023. The function was special addressed by Mr.D.Karthik Kumar B.E., Managing Director,Newage Project centre.
  • The Department of ECE organized seminar on “Lighting the path to energy Literacy Excellence”on 10th October 2023. The event was special addressed by the Chief Guest Mr.S.Sundramoorthi,COE,Sunshiv Electronics Solutions,Coimbatore.
  • The Department of ECE organized seminar on “Lighting the path to energy Literacy Excellence”on 19th September 2023. The event was special addressed by Mrs.M.Ramya,HoD/ECE,JKKNCET.
Lab manuals
S.NoName of the Lab manualsLink
1Embedded System and IoT LaboratoryLink
2Digital Principles and Computer Organisation LaboratoryLink
3Linear Integrated Circuits LaboratoryLink
4Digital Signal Processing LaboratoryLink
5Dynamics LaboratoryLink
6Microprocessor and Microcontroller LaboratoryLink
7Electronic Devices and Circuits LaboratoryLink
MOUs 2022-23
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered into on 24th of April, 2023, at Kumarapalayam, Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu for a period of 3 years up to 31st April, 2036. Between JKKN College of Engineering and Technology at Natarajapuram, NH-544, (Salem to Coimbatore), Kumarapalayam- 638 183. Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu is the first party and Megatronics has its office at 62, R.K. Mills ‘B’ Colony, Peelamedu Pudur, Coimbatore – 641 004, Tamil Nadu. 
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered into on 24th of April, 2023, at Kumarapalayam, Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu for a period of 3 years up to 31st April, 2036. Between JKKN College of Engineering and Technology at Natarajapuram, NH-544, (Salem to Coimbatore), Kumarapalayam- 638 183. Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu is the first party and SUNSHIV Electronics Solutions has its office at 245, Chinnasamy Naidu Rd, Opp. to Ayyappan temple, C.K.Colony, B.K.R Nagar, New Siddhapudur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641044.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered into on 24th of April, 2023, at Kumarapalayam, Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu for a period of 3 years up to 31st April, 2036. Between JKKN College of Engineering and Technology at Natarajapuram, NH-544, (Salem to Coimbatore), Kumarapalayam- 638 183. Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu is the first party and C Cube Technologies, Amman Complex, Erode.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered into on 24th of April, 2023, at Kumarapalayam, Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu for a period of 3 years up to 31st April, 2036. Between JKKN College of Engineering and Technology at Natarajapuram, NH-544, (Salem to Coimbatore), Kumarapalayam- 638 183. Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu is the first party and Om Technocraft, B-395, Elango Nagar, Housing Unit Rd, East, Nehru Nagar West, Coimbatore, 641014

Anna University Regulations