AI Integrated B.E Mechanical

About the Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 2009 at J.K.K. Natraja College of Engineering and Technology with an intake of 60 students. It is officially approved by AICTE and affiliated with Anna University, Chennai. Since its establishment, the department has been equipped with excellent laboratory facilities. Moreover, it features a team of dedicated faculty members who are not only highly qualified but also possess extensive industrial, research, and teaching experience. Additionally, the department has forged collaborations with DSR and ABR Industries in Coimbatore.


4 years (Regular) / 3 years (Lateral Entry)
No. of Semesters:
8 (Regular) / 6 (Lateral Entry)
No. of Seats:Total – 60


10, +2 System of Education. Must have secured a pass in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
in the qualifying examination


Regulation -2013, 2017 & 2021
Scope for Higher Studies:


To be a Leading Global Innovative Solutions provider for the ever-changing needs of society.


To empower learners with cutting-edge Mechanical Engineering knowledge and proficiencies, enabling them to synergize with interdisciplinary fields such as bio convergence. Fosters collaboration, innovation, and excellence in equipping graduates with the skills to address complex challenges and make significant contributions to society’s evolving needs.


1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Educational Objective (PEO)

1. Effectuating success in careers by exploring with the design, digital and computational analysis of engineering systems, experimentation and testing, smart manufacturing, technical services, and research.

2. Amalgamating effectively with stakeholders to update and improve their core competencies and abilities to ethically compete in the ever-changing multicultural global enterprise.

3. To encourage multi-disciplinary research and development to foster advanced technology and to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship in order to compete successfully in the global economy.

4. To globally share and apply technical knowledge to create new opportunities that proactively advance our society through team efforts and to solve various challenging technical, environmental and societal problems.

5. To create world-class mechanical engineers capable of practicing engineering ethically with a solid vision to become great leaders in academia, industries and society.

Program Specific Outcomes PSO’s

1. Apply the knowledge gained in Mechanical Engineering for the design, development and manufacture of engineering systems.

2. Apply the knowledge acquired to investigate research-oriented problems in mechanical engineering with due consideration for environmental and social impacts.
3. Use engineering analysis and data management tools for effective management of multidisciplinary projects.

Career Opportunities

1. After successfully completing the degree, graduates will be able to secure job offers in major domains including but not limited to Production, Design, Energy, Safety, Quality Management, Robotics and Automation, Control and Instrumentation, Construction, and Research and Development.

2. Graduates have the potential to become entrepreneurs.

3. Graduates are eligible to pursue higher studies such as M.E., M.Tech, MBA, MS, and Integrated PhD in both India and abroad by clearing the qualifying examinations.

Faculty Details 2024-25
S.NoName of the FacultyQualificationDesignation
1Dr.R.SivakumarM.S., Ph.DProfessor
2Dr.A.Arul marcel moshiM.E., Ph.DHOD-Associate Professor
3Dr.P.Harihara Sakthi SudhanM.E., Ph.DAssociate Professor
4Mr.M.KandasamyM.Tech., (Ph.D)Assistant professor
5Mr.S.RanjithkumarM.E.,Assistant professor
6Mr. Shanmugam PonnusamyM.E.,Assistant professor
7Mr.M.SivashankarM.E.,Assistant professor
8Mr. S. GanapathyM.E., (Ph.D.,)Assistant professor
9Mr. D. YaalarasanM.E.,Assistant professor
10Mr. P. JayaprakashM.E.,Assistant professor
11Mr. P. MeiyazhaganM.EAssistant professor
1Mr. A. SubramaniyanITITechnician

Faculty achievements

Faculty Development Program 2023-24

S.NoName of the FacultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1Mr.M.PradeepEV Battery Technology" course conducted by Anna University5.02.2024 to
2Mr.M.SivashankarIntroduction to Abrasive Machining and Finishing ProcessesJanuary to
March 2024
3Mr.M.SivashankarEmpowering Educators: Navigating and Cutting

Edge Technologies in Industry 4.0.
01.01.2024 to
4Mr. S.KarthikeyanEmpowering Educators: Navigating and Cutting

Edge Technologies in Industry 4.0.
01.01.2024 to
5Mr.M.KandasamyRecent Advances in Energy and Heat Transfer
System at Government College of Engineering,
16.10.2023 to
6Mr.M.KandasamyEnergy Literacy Training at Energy Swaraj

7Mr.M.SivashankarEnergy Literacy Training at Energy Swaraj

8Mr.S.KarthikeyanManufacturing Mechanical Components Using CNC
Turning/Milling at DMW Perundurai, Erode
31.07.2023 to
9Mr.M.SivashankarOBE Based Curriculum and Accreditation by the
Information Management and Emerging
Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh
03.07.2023 to
10Mr.M.SivashankarImplementation of NEP­2020 for University and

College Teachers
12.06.2023 to
11`Mr.M.PradeepImplementation of NEP­2020 for University and

College Teachers
12.06.2023 to
12Mr.S.KarthikeyanImplementation of NEP­2020 for University and

College Teachers
12.06.2023 to
13Mr.S.RanjithkumarImplementation of NEP­2020 for University and

College Teachers
12.06.2023 to
14Mr.S.KarthikeyanEffective Teaching Learning using Social Media by
Information Management and Emerging
Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.
05.06.2023 to
15Mr.S.RanjithkumarEffective Teaching Learning using Social Media by
Information Management and Emerging
Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.
05.06.2023 to
16Mr.M.PradeepEffective Teaching Learning using Social Media by
Information Management and Emerging
Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.
05.06.2023 to
Faculty Development Program 2022-23
S.NoName of the FacultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1Mr.S.RanjithkumarEnergy Literacy Training30.05.2023
2Mr.M.PradeepEnergy Literacy Training30.05.2023
3Mr.M.PradeepDesign of Smart and Advanced product Simulation at Vellammal Engineering College13.02.2023 to
4Mr.S.RanjithkumarEV Design for Mechanical Engineers' Course at Vellammal Engineering College, Chennai13.02.2023 to
5Mr.M.SivashankarDesign of Smart and Advanced Plant Simulation at Kongu Engineering College13.02.2023 to
6Mr.M.PradeepOutcome based Education at PPG Institute of Technology01.02.2023 to
7Mr.M.SivashankarOutcome based Education at PPG Institute of Technology01.02.2023 to
8Mr.S.KarthikeyanOutcome based Education at PPG Institute of Technology01.02.2023 to
9Mr.S.RanjithkumarOutcome based Education at PPG Institute of Technology01.02.2023 to
10Mr.M.KandasamyOutcome based Education at PPG Institute of Technology01.02.2023 to
11`Mr.M.KandasamyStrength of Materials12.12.2022 to
12Mr.M.KandasamyRobotics Simulation for Manufacturing" using Simulation Software at Sona College of Technology12.09.2022 to
Faculty Development Program 2019-20
S.noName of the facultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1Mr.P.Thirunavukarasu3D Printing for Industrial Applications at JKK
Munirajah College of Technology
07.09.2020 to
2Mr.P.ThirunavukarasuAdvanced Fluid mechanics and Heat transfer
for Aerospace applications by TEQIP II
01.09.2020 to
Faculty Development Program 2018-19
S.noName of the facultyName of the FDPDate of the Program
1DR. RAJENDIRAN K MEnergy Literacy Training30.05.2023
2DR. LATHA NEnergy Literacy Training30.05.2023
3MRS. BABY MOBE Based Curriculum and Accreditation" Course03.07.2023 to 07.07.2023
4Dr. SUGANYA DOBE Based Curriculum and Accreditation03.07.2023 to 07.07.2023
5Dr. SASIKALA A DIPR and IP Management for Startups" 07.09.2023
6MRS. RAMYA BIPR and IP Management for Startups" 07.09.2023
7MRS. SWATHI PRIYA K SIPR and IP Management for Startups" 07.09.2023
8DR. PUNITHA RCurrent Innovations & Future
Perspectives in Nanoscience and Technology
05.10.2023 to 07.10.2023
9Mrs. NARMADHA SBiomaterials Online Conclave’ 202307.11.2023 to 10.09.2023
10Mrs. PANJAMI DBiomaterials Online Conclave’ 202307.11.2023 to 10.09.2023
11DR. RAJENDIRAN K Msix days online Faculty Development Program on “ PH3151 ENGINEERING PHYSICS”11.12.2023 to 16.12.2023
12DR. RAJENDIRAN K MInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
13MRS. MANJULA DEVI DInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
14MRS. JANARANJANA SRI SInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
15MRS. BHARATHI PRIYA MInstructional Design and Delivery Systems in association with NITTTR26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023
Faculty Journal Publications

1. Dr. R. Sivakumar, Professor/MECH has published a paper entitled “Investigation of
acoustic, mechanical, thermal, and moisture properties of milled alkali-treated coconut
tree secondary flower leaf stalk fiber-reinforced polymer composite” in Polymer
Composites (Wiley Publisher).

2. Dr. P. Hariharasakthisudhan, Professor/MECH has published a paper entitled “Adhesion
strength and mechanical properties of nanoclay modified hybrid kevlar / kjute -Epoxy
fiber metal laminate” in Polymer Composites (Wiley Publisher).

3. Dr. A. Arul Marcel Moshi, Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering
Department, has authored a paper titled “Bending Natural Frequency Analysis on the
FML plates made up of Different Nano Fillers using Experimental and Numerical Means”
which has been published in the Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies
(Springer Publisher).

4. Dr. A. Arul Marcel Moshi has published a research article entitled “Prediction of
interlaminar stresses acting in the angle ply E-Glass epoxy composites using analytical
and numerical methods” in Journal of Manufacturing Engineering. (Google Scholar &
Crossref Indexed Journal).

5. Dr. A. Arul Marcel Moshi, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, acts as a
reviewer for ‘The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society,’ ‘Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Science,’ ‘Silicon’ and ‘Materials Today: Proceedings’.

Faculty Book Publications
S.noBook TitleAuthor/EditorISBN NumberYearPublication DateProduct Form
1Principles of ManagementMr.M.Kandasamy978-93-340-4254-2202410/04/2024Book

1. Dr. P. Hariharasakthisudhan, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, serves as a reviewer
for the Advanced Engineering Materials journal, the International Journal of Applied
Ceramic Technology, and Polymer Composites.

2. Dr. A. Arul Marcel Moshi, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, acts as a
reviewer for ‘The Journal of the Minerals, Metals ” Materials Society,’ ‘Proceedings of
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Science,’ and ‘Silicon.’

Students Achievements 2022-23
  1. S.Santhosh, G.Jegadeesh, G.Manikandan, and N.Vasanthakumar, all final year Mechanical students, participated in the “Drone Technology in Agriculture” Workshop held at Sri Shanmugha College of Engineering & Technology on 21.04.2023.
Lab manuals
S.NoName of the Lab manualsLink
1Manufacturing Technology LaboratoryLink
2CAD/CAM LaboratoryLink
3Mechatronics LaboratoryLink
4Thermal Engineering LaboratoryLink
5Dynamics LaboratoryLink
6Metrology and Measurements LaboratoryLink
7Heat and Mass transfer LaboratoryLink
8Strength of materials LaboratoryLink
9Fluid mechanics and machinery
10Engineering practice LaboratoryLink
S.noName of the industryAddress of the industryDuration of MOU
1ABR Engineering Company1/351 A, Kunnathur village, Kunnathur-post, SS Kulam via, Coimbatore, 641107.31 st of March, 2023 to
31 st March, 2033
2DSR Industries1/351 A, Kunnathur village, Kunnathur-post, SS Kulam via, Coimbatore, 641107.31 st of March, 2023 to
31 st March, 2033
Anna University regulations